Help, I need somebody. Help, not just anybody

I think that blogging has been incredibly therapeutic.  I haven’t told my shrink though.  I’ve told her that I’ve been journaling.  And I haven’t told MM either.  I tell him that I journal and find that sometimes when I’m writing, things become clearer once I see them on paper.  Actually, often times it is the comments that make things clearer.  Or are like a cyber smack in the head.  🙂

MM and I have been emailing and talking.  I feel dirty and ashamed of that fact.  Yet what I keep telling him is to let me go.  Leave me alone.  I understand that he is unhappy and that I opened up his eyes.  But I’m not going to hold his hand and help him walk across the lion’s den right now.  He has to figure out what he wants in his life, where he wants to be in his life and what’s important in his life — without regard to me.  No matter what happens between me and him – whether we never see each other again, become friends, lovers or more, I don’t want him to look at me, think of me with resentment.  And I don’t want to have those feelings for him.  To be honest, I would be happy with any feeling other than anger at this point.  But resentment would be toxic.  No matter what.

So the conversations that we’ve had have been okay for me.  The one thing I’ve repeatedly asked is what is it exactly, that he’s trying to work out.  Does he want to save his marriage, because frankly, his marriage is dead.  Deader than dead.  Dead.  Deader.  Deadest.  Yup.  Deadest.  I guess he could stay where he is, in his wife’s bed, in his jointly mortgaged home, with his jointly leased cars and joint bank accounts until the children are . . . teenagers, out of high school, graduating from college, married, have children . . . And then what happens?  What happens during?  None of it is really my problem.  And yet I seem to think that I should have some concern, some investment in the outcome.  How foolish of me.  It’s not my life.  I’m divorced after almost 19 years of marriage; I’m a single mother with 2 kids.  I’m a full time worker.  I made the decisions that were right for me, my kids, my life.  MM has to make the decisions that are right for him.  Please, I’ve begged of him, let me go.  Stop calling me.  Stop emailing me.  Stop telling me that you’re sorry.  Stop telling me you miss you.  Stop telling me that you love me.  Stop asking me what I want.  Stop.  Stop.  STOP!!!

I told MM that was I was going to block his phone number.  But I haven’t done it.  I told him I was going to block his email.  I haven’t done that either.  He asked me not to.  So like a fool, I didn’t.  What the hell is wrong with me that I can’t do it.  My girlfriend referred to him today as my fix.  Yes, I know that.  I understand that, and yet, time and time again I forget.  As if I could.

I would like to meet someone.  I had a date scheduled for tonight.  I broke it.  The guy just annoys me.  I’m sure that he’s nice, but I don’t want to go out with him.  I don’t want to date him.  I saw his picture and there’s not enough alcohol in the world to make this guy more appealing.  I would rather put on a movie, pour a glass of wine and go to sleep.  Sounds like heaven.  I would like to turn my brain off for a few hours – not think about work, money, bills, kids’ school work, MM or the fact that I’m alone.  I’m not lonely.  I’m just alone.  The thing that I think of most, is that right now, I don’t mind being alone.  Given a choice of going out on a date tonight and making small talk with someone I could care less about, watching a movie with a girlfriend or spending the evening in a quiet home (without my kids), by myself – I picked door number 3.  How much time do I have to do that?  Should I really be thinking that MM is the guy for me because otherwise I could end up alone?  I spent the relationship with MM being alone anyway.  So, what’s the difference.  I felt there was a period of time that I could have been content, in my affair, for years to come.  I never asked him to leave his wife for me; I like having my freedom and being only accountable to me and my children.  Meeting someone local, to spend weekends, holidays, birthdays with, would be nice and I didn’t see that as an impediment to my affair.  MM never liked me to talk about other men, dating, being physical with someone else.  In fact, he used to ask me if I told people that I had a boyfriend, that I was in love with someone.  Are you fucking kidding me??!?!?!  Did he tell his wife that he had a girlfriend and was in love with someone else?  We all know the answer to that question.  And since he was so weird about it, I felt that it was best not to talk about it.  Where I went when I wasn’t with him, wasn’t his business.  Who I was with, when I wasn’t with him, wasn’t his business.  He was with his wife.  And that wasn’t any of my business.

I would like to meet someone someday.  I would like to be with someone someday.  Someone who loves me, respects me, wants me – mind and in body.  I would like to be with someone someday that I think is smarter than me, funny, who I respect and who I dig – both in spirit and in body.  I chewed on thinking that was MM.  But the “married” part got in the way.  Fantasy is great until you put a pin in your bubble and burst it.  How much of what I felt was fantasy and how much reality.  How much of what he felt was fantasy and how much reality.  I don’t know the answer to either question.  What I do know, without a doubt, without hesitation, is that what we had is over.  It is no more.  It can never be that again.  It would have to be different.  How do you do that.  Do I want to do that.  Is this the person do I want to do that with.  Funny how I ask these questions as if the answer were mine, when it’s not.

Just keep walkin’.

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6 Responses to “Help, I need somebody. Help, not just anybody”

  1. anotherother1 Says:

    Susan, my dear blogging friend. You always have been able to see my situation more clearly than I have been able to see it myself. Your insight has been my inspiration and has actually aided in split second decisions. Remember Chicago? I read your email WHILE I was laying in bed next to B. You asked me if I “had looked at myself in the mirror in a naked, honest sort of way.” I was with B, and YOU made me cry. YOU made me see that I was IN THE MIDDLE of hurting myself. You are the one who made me tell him to leave. You gave me strength.

    Now…having said that…please, please listen to me now. His marriage is NOT dead, Susan. That is exactly what he wants you to believe. For two years, B told me his marriage was dead. He told me that he and his wife didn’t often sleep in the same room, and if they did, they NEVER had sex. Oh, poor, poor B. He told me is embarassed him. He hated to admit he and his wife didn’t have sex. Susan, it was all bullshit. I talked to his wife. SHE told me it was a lie. She had no reason to lie to me. When I confronted B…he had to admit it then. Yes, they sometimes had sex, but hardly ever…it was rare. Oh, yeah right. Sure. LIAR.

    Susan, you MM is feeding you a line. Where is he? He is with his wife. His marriage is dead?? NO!! Where is he? He is where he wants to be. He is protecting his marriage.

    Please, please block his phone. Block his email. Don’t give him a head’s up. Don’t tell him you are going to do it. Just do it! It will hurt like hell. Cutting off contact is not easy. It hurts like hell, but it is the only thing you can do to begin HEALING from this mess.

    I know…I’m a fine one to tell you what to do. I have made mistakes. I have stumbled, fallen on my face, made every mistake in the book.

    C’mon, baby. We can do this together. We have to find a way for them not to win. They CAN’T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS!!

  2. Susan Says:

    I know you’re right. I know that what you’re saying makes all the sense in the world. I’m just afraid to make that commitment to nothingness. To totally wiping him out of my life. What if that’s all it takes? What if you’re right? It makes it difficult to breathe when I think about the finality that the nothingness will bring. You’re right. I see that is my future. I just don’t want to truly acknowledge it and bring it to my present right now. It makes me so sad. (I hope that it’s exascerbated by PMS. 🙂 )

  3. laurenellis Says:

    ‘Fantasy is great until you put a pin in your bubble and burst it. How much of what I felt was fantasy and how much reality. How much of what he felt was fantasy and how much reality. I don’t know the answer to either question.’

    I don’t think I could have put it any better! How do you know that once you’re out of the oasis, once you’re living in the day to day minutia with each other, you wont want to choke the living daylights out of him and vice versa? I’m having an affair with one of my coworkers, and it’s been amazing. He’s falling in love with me. He never has sex with his girlfriend of 5 years anymore. He wants to be with me. We get each other. It’s magical. I’m perfect. And so on, and so forth… Sometimes, I get the feeling it’s the fantasy speaking, but I try not to indulge in those doubts too much…

    Reading your post, I have to agree with anotherother1 when she says to cut him out, move on, be healthy, embrace being on your own, and all that jive. But taking my own advice? Pfft…

  4. Susan Says:

    Anotherother and Laurenellis – you’re both right. And truly – taking your own advice?? Absolutley scuks! Easier said than done– never was there a truer adage.
    Fantasy vs. Reality. Reality oftentimes stinks and fantasy is beautiful. How do you make the two coexist?

    Lauren – Your affair actually sounds like it has potential to be reality. Your guy isn’t married. Are you?

    Anotherother – you’re so wise. 🙂 If only it were easy to do what you say. I’m trying, though.

  5. melinda Says:

    Hi Susan
    I rarely give advice because I never took my own! For years I vacillated with my exMM all the while knowing better and all the while feeling so ashamed of myself for letting him hurt me. Were there wonderful times? Of course, but he never had my best interests in his heart and mind. But I had his in mine. And he knew it.
    That said, i feel it’s harder to get rid of a MM than one might think! Why? Well in my case because I spoiled him! I gave him love and sex and attention all the while knowing he was married to someone else. Why was I so generous? Because I wanted to be the bestest kindest hottest lover he had ever had so he would leave his wife and be with me! (Since he had told me he was so unhappy). So he got used to getting a lot without giving a lot, and I got more and more pissed off when my plan wasn’t working as the months and years passed. Oh well. To say I was a slow learner is no exagerration.

    The truth is this: If my exMM is so unhappily married then he needs to get the hell OUT of that marriage before dragging another woman (me) back into the situation. Yet Ill bet he has roped in some poor other OW to soothe himself as we speak.

  6. Morgan Says:

    Melinda—that was perfect.
    Just keep reading blogs about being the other woman….we all say the exact same thing. Our pain is our own–but the heartache, confusion and things that were said by the men we had affairs with are all the same.
    Wanna cut all ties to this man since he can’t seem to make up his mind? Tell his wife. He’ll leave you alone for sure. Then…you will have complete accountability and the sneaking and thrill will come to a dead stop. Done.
    Clean your hands of him. It will clean your heart and your head and yes, your life will never be the same…but, then again….no matter what you do or don’t do—since you’ve had an affair…there’s no way your life would be the same anyway.
    Save yourself misery….in the long run it all ends up sad and horrible—just read all the other blogs…..

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